- Ambassador is off “Flying On” Her Own.
- “I Am Fine”
- Ambassador and Parliamentary Aide have a few words.
- The gals are Tellin’ Their Ma!
- A little selfie madness during the show.
- Brianna and Darcy
- Darcy gets a text message from the Feds!
- Trying to leave unnoticed.
- Umm, we’re kissing cousins.
- Proud to be Nova Scotian.
- Ambassador aka Cyndi Locke entertaining the crowd.
- Emmy and Darcy discuss the finer points of separating.
- Our new president- Owen! aka Colin Boyd
- He loves this town.
- Rise Again.
- And again.
- One of the few times the instruments aren’t being played.
- Darcy aka Mallory Moors on the uke.
- Emmy aka Paige Morrissey on the guitar
- Brianne aka Meghan Naugle on the fiddle
- We’ve got gas?
- We’ve GOT GAS!